Hello, my name is Kyle. I have over 5 years of IT expertise specializing in webserver administration. Back in 2017, I started learning the basics of webservers and internet protocol to a point I was hired by Inmotion Hosting. Through hard work and dedication, I quickly rose from their level 1 support help desk to their level 2 support help desk. I then started specializing in data restoration, WordPress optimization issues, and server log analysis. Using those skills I worked my way towards the the Website Transfer team( a subset of the System Administrator department). I enjoyed continuing to develop my skills in this field for nearly 4 years until, unfortunately, InMotion felt it necessary to cut the transfer team and I am now currently looking for new opportunities.

Outside of Inmotion, I have developed skills in programming. I first fell in love with programming in middle school when I started programming on a TI 83 calculator. In 2013, I lead Hickory High School’s FIRST Robotics programing team as vice captain. I began working towards a computer science degree but due to life events, I had to take a break. Once working for Inmotion, I used these skills to help both myself and collogues with common issues by creating bash scripts that helped automate and troubleshoot issues that arose with servers and customers. Some of these were a combined server service status checker; a script that ran through all WordPress plugins and checked which plugin(s) were causing a critical error; several file path updating scripts; a script that generated a backup, transferred it to a remote server, and then unpackaged it; and a script that installed a fresh WordPress installation and restored the site using All In One Migration. My capstone script I created to help facilitate a transfer of 200+ sites from WP-Engine by almost fully automating the transfer. I impressed my manager with this as it drastically reduced the transfer time of what he was thinking would take several collogues and several hours manually modifying the sites to work off of WP-Engine’s modified WordPress installation. This program just needed a few inputs and from there would transfer the site over SSH or SFTP, set it up on the document root specified, remove all WP-Engine’s specific modifications, create a database on the server and import the data, rebuild the the configuration file (as WPE heavily modified theirs), change the domain the site used if requested, and then ran through several common error fixes before doing a check both for any errors server side and end user side. Currently, I am planning on working towards finishing my Computer Science degree starting Winter 2024.

Another skill I have developed is by computer IT skills. As most tech savvy in my generation, this started by being the tech support for my family. This included troubleshooting errors with computers, printers, and other devices; it also included manual virus removal off our shared computer. In 2014, I created my first desktop computer and have built several for both me and other people; the latest of which was early this year. While not yet certified, I am completing my COMPTIA A+ certification prep to help showcase this skillset of mine.